Saturday, December 10, 2005

So the blog's not too neglected

This afternoon was Andrea's wedding - Andrea's wedding! - and Andrea was beautiful and entirely herself. As if she had just absorbed happiness and hadn't let it change her beyond recognition. Everyone's getting married! Or engaged. Or, er, breaking up. It must be winter. Thursday afternoon was lunch with Su-Lin and Julian and Choon, at which I was very rude and ran off early. Friday before was dinner at the hawker centre and then a spell of watching the rain at Bakerzin with the work people and then Balcony with Choon, Ida, Jianyi, Addy and Jianyi's friends. Immensely bad service, and the large white couch things are not as comfortable as they look. Nice drinks, though, when they do eventually serve them. We ran into Terry and his friend there and they nicely let us sit on their couch thing. Then Coco Latte because Choon said we were still young, though we did creep out of the club an hour later, defeated by our youth. Oh and yesterday was dinner with Dom, Mona and Fay as a belated birthday thing for Dom (happy birthday!) and a good deal of chocolate and catching-up.

(Should I not name people? Does that make googling too easy? Should I have initials instead? Or dashes after an initial, as in "I had lunch with S---, J--- and C---"?)

In other news - I think the lure of lips, hands and eyes is wearing out. He's going to the States for over three weeks, and I move from neediness to relief at solitude to some genuine sadness and back again.