Saturday, December 17, 2005


ACSian theatre did an interpretive dance performance of Aaron's poems from his collection. An expanded version of what they did at his book launch. These are rather quiet, contemplative, conversational poems; I'm not sure they lend themselves to all that emoting. But parts of it were well-done and it wasn't unenjoyable. Oh dear, the double negative. I did like the bit where someone (just one) was dancing with gestures much inspired by sign language (or perhaps it was sign language) for the poem about deaf people speaking to each other. Not so much the bit (in the same poem) where people chorus lines.

I diligently brought home my laptop - but cleverly not the battery or the power cable. Sometimes I astound myself.

Sunday at Su-Lin's is still on, right?

(Oh and - I broke up with him. I thought I'd say.)