Sunday, August 05, 2007

this weekend

1. Julian is back!

2. Great bbq at XW's place on Saturnight. I think the surroundings - the cool stone patio, the long narrow pool reflecting the streetlight, the quality of the food and drink - brought out the civilised part in us - no-one did anything that would necessitate some karmic payback down the road (with the possible exception of Wii boxing).

3. Yoga, as I know it, from my grand total of three classes, runs up against all my instincts - the hippy-dippy part of me is attracted to the eastern mysticism that informs the practice, the yuppie bit tempted by the studios in orchard road, and what I think of as the sane part cynical of the enterprise of yoga - the pretty studios, the motivation for physical exercise*, the gym wear sold out in the reception area, the modern interpretations (where are the ashrams and the Hindu gods?).

* to be fair to this particular studio, there's breathing too.