Wednesday, November 23, 2005

on the radio

Radio topic: do women use sex as a weapon?

Guy calling in*: Yes of course. Women use sex all the time to get what they want. I give you an example. I go to this pub with my friends, and every Friday night there are women who flirt with the bartender to get an extra bottle of cranberry juice.

Radio DJ (female): That's selling themselves a little short.

G c i: Some guys just can't say no to anything that walks on two legs and wears a skirt. But it's not our fault. We're programmed that way.

Radio DJ: There's no help for it?

G c i: But some men can resist. Older men can. Ithink it's because younger men are more inexperienced. You see a man in his 20s, he can't resist. But some men realise as they get older that they're more valuable...

Radio DJ: As are women!

G c i: ...And so they can say no sometimes.

*A summarised version; sadly, I can't reproduce his speech.