Sunday, December 05, 2004

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It occurs to me that it cannot be healthy to be in a job which makes you a worse person than you were. Shouldn't one learn something positive - how to think more clearly, or write more lucidly, or interact better with other people, or explore different interests or occupations or points of view, or - ? And not just the SOPs of the civil service, which would be all very well and good if I wanted to stay in the civil service (not that I know how to work within it - there's a deep and unbridgeable chasm of communication between me and my boss - which is weird because we're both Oxford PPE, and similarity of education should produce some similarity of thought, shouldn't it?), but not useful for anything else. If anything, the job makes you bitchy and cynical and suspicious - which I supposed are traits which would be produced in any job in any large organisation, but that doesn't make it better.

Or one could just grow up, I suppose.