Saturday, November 13, 2004

In lieu of an escape plan

[There is a way of telling this.]

Have been out of sorts and cranky lately, mainly because I loathe the office. Half the work is boring (because gambling regulation and tax are frankly rather boring subjects when you get down to the details) and half is interesting in parts (the parts that do not involve answering other people's questions); the office, on the other hand, takes all possible joy from work. I swear the office makes people even bitchier and more cynical than when they came in, and that takes some doing. This particular entry (and so many of the previous) is probably a case in hand.

It's all wrong, isn't it, to be all angsty and teenagey past the age of fifteen? Shouldn't we know what we want to do and find some way of getting there, rather than mope around sullenly? I put this question to Reidar (who will now never ask me how I am again) and in reply he gave me a TLS essay on the difference between being good and doing good, which compares Keynes and Shaw and which I will put up on this site when I figure out how to (it's too long for a blog entry).